Empowering your Investment Journey, through transformative AI

Our Mission

Founded by Ray Hsu and Christine Leclerc in 2021, Ada Analytics mission is to empower investors to make informed data-driven decisions powered by cutting-edge AI technology. We aim to support investors at all levels in understanding intricate financial data through advanced tools and utilise AI technology in making informed decisions to drive growth and success.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be the cornerstone of innovation in the financial industry. through continuous innovation and technological advancement. 

Our Values


Uphold honesty and maintain trust by delivering accurate insights and safeguarding investors’ interests and information.


Strive to continuously innovate by embracing technology and adapting to the changing market needs.

Investor Centric

Cater to investor needs by creating user-friendly solutions that add value and improve investor journey.

Our Founders

Our team, The heart and soul of our success story
Dr. Ray Hsu
Dr. Ray Hsu is an entrepreneur who brings more than ten years of venture-building experience to his position. He founded the Immersive Technology Lab and was the Virtual and Augmented Reality Working Group Chair at UBC. His broad experience in entrepreneurship and technology gives a unique perspective on product development, enabling Ada Analytics to provide cutting-edge solutions that empower investors’ financial journeys.
Christine Leclerc
Christine Leclerc, is an award-winning author and science communicator. She is an En-ROADS Climate Ambassador, chairing the BC NDP‘s Standing Committee on Agriculture and Food Security, an elected representative with YESS and a Data Analysis Fellow with the World Climate Research Program. She has been a member of SFU’s Hydrology Research Group, an Expert Reviewer with the IPCC, an inaugural cohort member of Evidence for Democracy‘s Science to Policy Accelerator, and on the non-profit boards of Embark Sustainability and Sierra Club BC.
James Harris
Leveraging a rich background in critical decision-making within healthcare through various roles as a critical care nurse and firefighter, James strategically pivoted into data science in 2022, joining Ada Analytics. His nontraditional path gave him profound insights into leveraging big data to enhance people’s lives. Now, as Lead Data Scientist, he utilises his unique blend of clinical understanding and analytical prowess to drive his commitment to making data science tools more accessible, intelligent, and user-centric solutions that tangibly improve everyday life.